Maybe I was just hungry while creating Shoko, but I guess her defining trait is both her insatiable hunger for warm bread and her arrogance in beating records for local restaurants (which she destroys without fail). I wanted to have a bit of fun designing a character that was a bit more "trendy", in terms of Japanese art... her hair is my favorite part of her design! I wonder if anyone noticed her name is also a reference to shokupan? I'm getting hungry just writing this message ^^; you can never go wrong with cute characters who like to eat a lot, hm? (Yukito Tsukishiro)
Species: Snowshoe Hare
Age: 20
Birthday: January 10th
Height: 157cm
Personality: Bold, arrogant, hungry, outgoing, friendly, passionate
Birthplace: Akita, Japan
Likes: Anpan, yakitori, melty cheese, coffee, scarves, convenience stores, eating challenges
Dislikes: Hot days, cold food, bitter food, snack mascots, raw fish, eyedrops, sleeping late
Shoko wasn't always a humanoid looking girl...she was actually born as a rabbit! However, a life full of vegetation and constantly in fear of predators in a small town situated in Akita prefecture stressed Shoko out, and caused her to try to find an escape from this peril. On her quest, she was drawn to a warm, sweet scent coming from a convenience store and found that a single, lonely wrapped anpan was left behind. The first bite of the anpan changed Shoko's life, and that human-like taste manifested and transformed her into a human, allowing her to enjoy this revelation fully. As a "human," Shoko speaks in a thick Akita accent and enjoys any and all foods (aside from raw fish) while also partaking in a multitude of eating challenges regularly. Despite looking soft and cute because of her off-white hair and rabbit ears, Shoko's thick accent and generally brash but still friendly personality can come as a shock to anyone outside of her village! On most days Shoko can be found wandering the snowy streets after work before heading home to her small apartment, ready to take on the next day with a warm smile and a full stomach.