Mamiko Sato

Meccha kawaii daijoubu neko girl!!!

Character information!!

This is Mamiko Sato, the silliest little kawaii neko girl at Kawai High School :33333 She's very much so a joke character but I love her so much Its fiiiiiine. Maybe if im not lazy ill actually make her fanime anyways shes the soft shy type and when surprised she turns into her neko form and her nyannyan guardian form when angry

Character Stats

Species: Half-human half-neko god :3

Age: 16 (Koukouninensei :3)

Bday!!!!: February 14th

Personality: Shy, sweet, cheery, timid, warm, protective, clumsy, can be stubborn, strong sense of justice, KAWAII :3

Birthplace: Kawai-machi; Kanagawa Prefecture (really the land between human-kind and nyan-kind) :3 川井街

Parents: Kaiko Sato (mom: goddess of cats) Maneki Sato (dad: shapeshifting cat deity/human)

Friends: Kona-chan, Kyon-kun, Zero-sensei, Mimi za miko!!

Enemys: Pierousa (EVIL >:[), Dejiko (baka kouhai!!), kawase-kun

Likes: Kyon-kun!!!!, nekos, friendship, strawberry mochi, lemon ramune, soft sweaters, karaoke, aidorus, the color white, ribbons, nikuman

Dislikes: evil ppl, muskmelon, spiders, being embarrassed, falling over, burning her tongue, piiman, octopus (iyaiya!!!), being lonley, getting seasick

"Konnichiwa! Atashi wa Sato Mamiko dayo! I am sixteen years old and i live with my mama and papa in Kawai-machi (thats a town in yokohama i think!!!!) I'm bery shy so dont scare me or else ill turn into a neko!! also dont anger me or ill turn into my neko guardian form that my okaasan gave me since shes the goddess of cats :3 !!!!! Today is my first day at Kawai Prefectural high school but I'm LAAAAATE!!! maybe if i run with a piece of toast ill make it to school faster..."
