
The honey-sweet Digital Angel traversing the web!

Character information

This sweet little angel is none other than Tennouji-kun! I remember making him on a whim one day all the way back in ninth grade... I still think he's a fun idea! I have the thought that he's a program someone accidentally downloaded one day, and once it was finished loading, there Tennouji was! He can traverse the internet and can interact with his owner and other programs, so whoever found him, please take care of him :]

Character Stats

Species: Digital Angel

Age: ??? (Appears as a young child or teenager, depending on power levels.)

Birthday: ??? (June 28th)

Personality: Curious, adventurous, cheeky, vibrant

Birthplace: A computer somewhere in Japan

Likes: Linzer cookies, exploring, stars, flying around, soft colors, drawing on paint programs, assam tea

Dislikes: Being lonely, the dark, sleeping, getting things wrong, shocks

(It appears there's already a message here!) "Hmhm? I'm Tennouji-kun! Thank you for visiting me on my character page, I'm really happy to tell you about myself! I'm not sure where I come from, but I feel like I came all the way from Japan; maybe you know where that is? It's really fun being here in the internet... I love exploring everything I can!! Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to get treats when you visit new websites heehee, so let's go together someday! Ah, I don't like being lonely though, so make sure to come back often or I'll be sad! Maybe that's all I have to say for now, hm? So thank you for visiting me~ ପ꒰⑅°͈꒳°͈꒱੭ु⁾⁾"
